Night Flying
Night flying will equip you with a combination of skills and depending on which level you wish to attain, should improve your general day flying considerably.
Our varied night courses will include full ground briefings covering the differences at night, depth perception, the legal implications, wider use of the instruments and the necessity of accurate navigation techniques.
Night flying is not a requirement for obtaining a PPL or CPL. However, although a helicopter night flying qualification is not in demand to the same degree as for aeroplanes, it provides students with a different challenge and can be included either in your course or done separately depending on your needs.
You start with the basics of hovering, take offs, landings and circuits using a combination of visual and instrument flying techniques. In the new, unfamiliar surroundings we will then progress further afield on navigation trips (if you chose the CPL night navigation option), practice specific time and distance exercises and a heavier reliance upon instrument flying. Some solo experience is also required but we practice all these exercises in good flying conditions near a full moon, which will also enable you to enjoy the lights of Auckland at night, a rare and exceptional experience.
In order to obtain your Night Rating you will have to do some pre-requisite Instrument Flying by day. The instrument flying is not included in this specific night course but please refer to our Instrument Flying Course for details.
PPL (H) Night course
5 hours night and 2 hours instrument flying
CPL (H) Night course
Within 25 nm of an airfield – 10 hours night (2 hours instrument)
Beyond 25 nm of a lighted airfield – 10 hours night including cross – country night flying (10 hours instrument flying)